Animal Husbandry: Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav



Animal husbandry refers to livestock raising and selective breeding. It is the management and care of animals in which the genetic qualities and behavior of animals are further developed for profit. India’s livestock sector is one of the largest in the world. About 20.5 million people depend upon livestock for their livelihood. Livestock contributed 16% to the income of small farm households as against an average of 14% for all rural household. Livestock provides livelihood to two-third of rural community. It also provides employment to about 8.8 % of the population in India has vast livestock resources. Livestock sector contributes 4.11% GDP and 25.6% of total Agriculture GDP. Economic Survey 2020 noted that livestock sector has grown at a compound annual growth rate of 9 per cent during last five years. As per the Economic Survey-2021, the contribution of Livestock in total agriculture and allied sector Gross Value Added (at Constant Prices) has increased from 32% (2014-15) to 28.63% (2018-19). Livestock income has become an important secondary source of income for rural families and has assumed an important role in achieving the goal of doubling farmers’ income.

ALSO READ :  Funds released under various schemes for development of Animal Husbandry, Dairy and Fisheries

Major Animal Husbandry Development Programs in India

  1. Military Dairy Farm (Allahabad), 1889
  2. First Census of Cattle, 1919
  3. Premium Bull Scheme, 1928
  4. Anand Milk Union Limited (AMUL), 1946
  5. Central Herd Registration Scheme (CHRS), 1949
  6. Central Goshala Development Board (CGDB), 1949
  7. Central Council of Gosamvardhana (CCG), 1952
  8. Key Village Scheme (KVS), 1952
  9. Hill Cattle Development Scheme, 1955
  10. Progeny Testing Scheme, 1960
  11. Indo-Swiss Project,1960
  12. Establishment of Sheep Breeding Farms 3rd Five Year Plan, 1960-65
  13. Indo-Danish Project 1964
  14. Intensive Cattle Development Programme (ICDP), 1964
  15. National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), 1965
  16. All India Co-ordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Cattle 1968
  17. Sheep and Wool Extension and Grading Centres (4th FYP ), 1969-74
  18. Operation Flood Phase I – 1970-80 Phase II – 1981-85 Phase III – 1986-96
  19. Dairy Herd Improvement Action (DIPA) Programme,1970
  20. Open Nucleus Breeding Scheme (ONBS), 1970
  21. National Milk Grid (NMG) (by NDDB), 1970
  22. National Milch Herd (NMH) (by NDDB), 1970
  23. AICRP on Buffalo, 1970
  24. AICRP on Poultry Meat and Eggs, 1970
  25. National Co-operative Dairy Federation of India (NCDF), 1970
  26. AICRP on Sheep and Goat ,1971
  27. National Co-operative Development Corporation, 1972
  28. Special Livestock Breeding Programme (SLBP), 1976
  29. Fish Farmers Development Agency FFDA, 1976
  30. Decade of Poultry in India 6th and 7th FYP, 1980-90
  31. National Project on Biogas Development (Now known as National Biogas and Manure Management Programme, 1981
  32. National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) May, 1982
  33. Technology Mission on Dairy Development (TMDD), 1988
  34. Network Project on Sheep Improvement (NWPSI), 1990
  35. Network Project on Goat Improvement (NWPGI), 1990
  36. Deep Sea Fishing Policy, 1991
  37. Intensive Dairy Development Project (IDDP), 1992
  38. National Project on Rinderpest Eradication (NPRE), 1998
  39. National Policy for Cattle and Bovine Breeding (NPCBB), 2000
  40. Conservation of Threatened Breeds of Small Ruminants, Rabbits, Pigs, Pack Animals and Equines 2002
  41. Livestock Insurance Scheme (LIS), 2005
  42. Fodder and Feed Development Scheme, 2005
  43. National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), 2006
  44. Intensive Dairy Development Programme (IDDP), 2006
  45. Intensive Poultry Development Project, 2006
  46. Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS), 2010
  47. Pig Development Scheme, 2010
  48. Integrated Development of Small Ruminants and Rabbits (IDSRR), 2010
  49. Utilization of Fallen Animals 2010
  50. Salvaging and Rearing of Male Buffalo Calves (SRMB), 2010
  51. National Mission for Protein Supplements, 2011
  52. Accelerated Fodder Development Programme, 2011
  53. National Dairy Plan (NDP) (by NDDB), 2012
  54. National Livestock Policy (NLP), 2013
  55. National Livestock Mission (NLM), 2014
  56. National Policy for Bovine Breeding and Dairy Development (NPBBDD), 2014
  57. Rashtriya Gokul Misson (RGM), 2014
  58. National Mission on Bovine Productivity (NMBP), 2016
  59. GOBAR (Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources) – Dhan Scheme, 2018
ALSO READ :  MoU for Cooperation in Livestock Sector

Animal Husbandry Development Program Under Five Year Plans

First Five-Year Plan

  • Community development program/KVS.
  • Increase of milk production & supply to urban.
  • Improve the quality of indigenous.
  • Official cattle breeding policies was laid.
  • Buffalo was introduced in key village.
  • Go-sadans were set up for surplus.

Second Five-Year Plan

  • Set-up of pedigree bull rearing farm for progeny testing in KVS area.
  • Establishment of 196 key village.
  • 670 A.I. centers, 34 new gosadans & 248 goshalas, 1900 veterinary dispensaries were started.
  • Establishment of daily milk supply chain
  • Private enterpreneure like Glaxo, Liver, Nestle started their milk product processing plant.

Third Five-Year Plan

  • Setting up fodder
  • Encouraged cross-breeding with exotic breed.
  • Manufacturing of dairy machines & equipment in private sector.
  • Intensive cattle development project was started.
  • 143 urban milk-boards & milk-plants have been established.
  • Preparation of feed by using agricultural waste and by-products.

Fourth Five-Year Plan

  • Selective breeding program was initiated.
  • International linkage of the development strategies through dairy commodity under world Food
  • Dairy development started in Karnataka, M.P. & few other state.
  • Operation flood.

Fifth Five-Year Plan

  • aggressive cross-breeding.
  • Import of exotic semen doses,bulls, heifers of exotic breed.
  • Exotic cattle breeding program.
  • Large scale integrated dairy development projects were started.
ALSO READ :  Livestock Sector and Veterinary Science: Crucial for Doubling Farmer’s Income

Sixth Five-Year Plan

  • Increasing the population of bovine by replacing non-descript local stock.
  • 500 key village schemes & 122 ICD projected were started.
  • Establishment of frozen semen station.
  • Institute of buffalo research was established.

Seventh Five-Year Plan

  • Bring almost 50% cows under cross-breeding
  • Set a target of 5.6% annual growth in milk
  • Embryo transfer technology were
  • Operation flood phase 2nd
  • PTS was

Eight Five-Year Plan

  • Milk & milk product order was issued.

Ninth Five-Year Plan

  • Effective animal health management to reduce economic losses.
  • Enlarge export of livestock.
  • Per capita availability of milk reached to 226 gram/day.
  • Sanitary & Phyto-sanitary measures (SPS).

Tenth Five-Year Plan

  • Target of the milk production is set to 108.4 MT at 6% annual growth rate.
  • National project on cattle & buffalo improvement.
  • Genetic up-gradation of indigenous breed.
  • Expending the A.I. & natural service network.
  • Holistic approach to clean milk production
  • Conservation of fodder into feed block to facilitate transport of fodder from surplus areas to fodder deficit areas.
  • Establishment of fodder bank
  • Complete eradication of rinder-pest.
  • Adoption of natural immunization.
  • Increase fodder production by using intensive fodder production technique.
  • Implementation of all India control of animal disease

Eleventh Five-Year Plan

  • Adequate availability of quality fodder is essential for enhancing livestock productivity. For this, there is need to target at least ten percent of the cultivable land for growing fodder.
  • The National Cattle and Buffalo Breeding Project (NCBBP) would continue to the major initiative in cattle and buffalo development. Emphasis would be on using only quality semen.
  • NDDB is setting up a consortorium with NABARD and NCDC to fund the dairy sector.
  • National Agricultural Development Programme (NADP).
  • National Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding (NPCBB).

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