Adapting Drug Proving Symptoms in Human Beings to Veterinary Field


Homeopathy is the science and art of healing according to the Law of Similars or “Similia Similibus Curentur”.

Homeopathy identifies the symptom pattern and works with the body toward cure, rather than to suppress a problem. Homeopathy is a branch of medicine originated in Germany in 1794, which is based on the principle of The Law of Similars. In a way, it is an advanced form of vaccination; whereby a substance that is capable of producing a disease-like state is administered to the patient, but in a very minute dose, to cure a similar disease.

Homeopathy works much beyond vaccination. Here, the homeopathic dose administered is unbelievably minuscule, which renders if absolutely harmless yet very powerful. Contrary to conventional medicine, the action of homeopathy is much safer, deeper acting, somewhat slower, and results much longer lasting by energizing the body’s curative powers.

“Provings” comes from a german word “prufung” which means to “test” or “examine”.

“Provings” in homeopathic term for the testing of a substance on healthy human volunteers to find what symptoms it produces. Symptoms produced during a proving are then recorded in a homeopathic material medica to help homeopaths locate and prescribe that substance for future use.

Drug Proving in Homeopathy
Drug proving is the process of acquiring knowledge of the instruments intended for the cure of the natural diseases. It is the process of investigating the pathogenetic power of drug, which is the ascertaining the curative power of drug on healthy human beings of both sex, different age groups and various constitutions and many people.

The medicines must be thoroughly and most carefully distinguished from each other and for this purpose, they should be tested by pure experiments on healthy body for ascertaining their powers and real effects. Some individuals who tend to prove each and every drug and easily influenced by the action of substances which hardly produces any effect in others, which is known as idiosyncracy and people related to this are the best provers of substances.

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 Selection of the dose: It depends on following:

  • Nature of the drug and susceptibility of the prover.
  • Medicine should be taken in a perfectly simple, unadulterated form.
  • Indigenous plants should be taken in form of freshly expressed juice, mixed with a little alcohol.
  • Salts and gums should be dissolved in water just before taken.
  • Plants and herbs taken by cutting into small pieces and pouring boiling water on it to extract its medicinal parts immediately after its preparation, and taken when it is warm.

Precautions during drug proving

  • Diet must be regulated. It should be as much as possible destitute of spices, of a purely nutritious and simple character, green vegetables, roots and all salads and herbs soups should be avoided.
  • Drinks are to be as little stimulating as possible.
  • Dose must be taken on empty stomach daily from 4-6 globules of the thirtieth potency of substance mixed with little water.
  • While noting down the symptoms the particular sensation, its exact nature and perfect modalities has to be written down.

Homeopathy identifies the symptom pattern and works with the body toward cure, rather than to suppress a problem. Contrary to conventional medicine, its action is much safer, deeper acting, somewhat slower, and results much longer lasting by energizing the body’s curative powers. Benefits of using Homeopathy in human beings and animals are many as it has no side effects, no suppression of symptoms for later and no need for laboratory trials in animals for the proving of medicines. “Provings” in homeopathic term for the testing of a substance on healthy human volunteers to find what symptoms it produces. Drug proving is the process of acquiring knowledge of the instruments intended for the cure of the natural diseases. It is the process of investigating the pathogenetic power of drug, which is the ascertaining the curative power of drug on healthy human beings of both sex, different age groups and various constitutions and many people. Selection of the dose depends on nature of the drug and susceptibility of the prover, medicine should be taken in a perfectly simple, unadulterated form and indigenous plants should be taken in form of freshly expressed juice, mixed with a little alcohol. Plants  and herbs taken by cutting into small pieces and pouring boiling water on it to extract its medicinal parts immediately after its preparation, and taken when it is warm. Common precautions  should be taken during drug proving are diet must be regulated and diet should be as much as possible destitute of spices, of a purely nutritious and simple character, green vegetables, roots and all salads and herbs soups should be avoided. Drinks are to be as little stimulating as possible. Dose must be taken on empty stomach daily from 4-6 globules of the thirtieth potency of substance mixed with little water.

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  • Homeopathy identifies the symptom pattern and works with the body toward cure, rather than to suppress a problem.
  • “Provings” in homeopathic term for the testing of a substance on healthy human volunteers to find what symptoms it produces.
  • Drug proving is the process of acquiring knowledge of the instruments intended for the cure of the natural diseases. Fundamental principles of homoeopathy are as follows: –
  • Selection of the dose depends on nature of the drug and susceptibility of the prover, medicine should be taken in a perfectly simple, unadulterated form.
  • Precautions should be taken during drug proving are diet must be regulated and diet should be as much as possible destitute of spices, of a purely nutritious.
  • Like cures like. Similar replaces similar Provings.
  • Dose must be taken on empty stomach daily from 4-6 globules of the thirtieth potency of substance mixed with little water.
  • While noting down the symptoms the particular sensation, its exact nature and perfect modalities has to be written down.
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  1. http:// 10.1136/ vr. 104279
  2. Book of Organon of Medicine : Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (5th edition) translated by R.E.Dudgeon
  3. Homeopathy plus tutorials 6- Provings.
  4. Veterinary homeopathy: Homeopathic pharmacy by Dr. Bibu John Kariyil.
  5. Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia medica by J. T. Kent

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