Important Zootoxins affecting humans and animals
Poisonous and venomous animals are abundant and include more than 400 species of venomous snakes, approximately 1500 species of toxic marine animals, and countless numbers of poisonous >>>
Poisonous and venomous animals are abundant and include more than 400 species of venomous snakes, approximately 1500 species of toxic marine animals, and countless numbers of poisonous >>>
A frontline demonstration (FLD) was conducted during Covid 19 crisis to propagate an improved variety of fodder Super Napier where a total of 1Lakh Super Napier slips were distributed >>>
Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal, while addressing the 38th State Level Livestock Exhibition organized in Bhiwani today, announced doubling the budget of medicines of the Animal Husbandry >>>
Goat provide multiple benefits to farmers in developing countries. Goat meat and milk are consumed locally among the poor in developing countries. Goat is considered poor man’s cow >>>
The ICAR-Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh virtually organized the “Forage Scientists & Seed Producers’ Interface Meeting of Kharif Fodder Crops” today. >>>
To promote the ecosystem-based Integrated Wetland Management, the ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata initiated the Fishers’ Field School at Khalsi Beel, >>>
What is Ruminal Tympany? Ruminal tympany or bloat is a clinical condition in which the excessive accumulation of gas occurs in the rumen which results in distension of left abdominal wall. >>>
A 1.5 year old Labrador bitch of approx. 20 kg weight was presented at Veterinary Hospital, Mathura U,P, with history of diarrhea from last night, vomiting anorexia, depressed behavior >>>
Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India organized a webinar on “National Surveillance Programme for Aquatic Animal Diseases: >>>
The dry period of a dairy cow should be considered an important phase of the lactation cycle. The dry period is the period before calving thatcows are not milked, which is >>>
The term ‘downer’ appeared in print as early as 1905 to describe debilitated cattle in the slaughterhouses of Chicago. The more specific term ‘downers cow’ first appeared in Veterinary literature >>>
Aquaporins are water channel proteins that allow movement of water molecules across the cell membrane downs the concentration gradient, so when would ever the cells of body need water they are being >>>
Poultry production in India has taken a quantum leap in the last four decades, emerging from an unscientific farming practice to commercial production system. The total poultry >>>
Ultimately the aim of breeding is to produce an adult horse of good genetic characteristics . Even before a live foal is born the nutrition of the mare through pregnancy >>>